From Dialectsyntax
- Estonian dialects are investigated by Liina Lindstrom who works on the EMK (Estonian dialect) corpus.
- Hungarina dialects are investigated by:
- - Jeno Kiss at ELTE University.
- - Attila Hegedus and Karoly Gerstner at Pazmany Peter Catholic University.
- Finnish dialects are investigated by:
- - Jaakko Leino, Mari Siiroiinen, Heli Pekkarinen and Markus Hamunen at University of Helsinki.
- - Urpo Nikanne at Åbo Akademi University.
- - Hannele Forsberg and Miia Karttunen at University of Joensuu.
- - Maria Vilkuna at Research Institute for the Languages of Finland (Kotus).
- - Anders Holmberg at University of Newcastle.