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<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <l ns="0" title="Basque" />
      <l ns="0" title="COSER (Audible Corpus of Spoken Rural Spanish)" />
      <l ns="0" title="Celtic" />
      <l ns="0" title="Chapter 1: Introduction" />
      <l ns="0" title="Chapter 2: Methodology" />
      <l ns="0" title="Chapter 3: Transcription protocol" />
      <l ns="0" title="Chapter 4: Tagging protocol" />
      <l ns="0" title="Chapter 5: Technical manual" />
      <l ns="0" title="Colloquium Dialectsyntax" />
      <l ns="0" title="Dialect Syntax Archive" />
    <alllinks alfrom="Dialect Syntax in Westgermania" />